Paconline - News & Announcements

News & Announcement



Bursa Malaysia 2024 Industry Wide BCP Tests on 27 July 2024

Please be informed that TC Pro, PacOnline, iPacOnline and eStatement systems will not be accessible from 27 July 2024 06:00am to 27 July 2024 06:00pm because of Bursa Malaysia 2024 Industry Wide Business Continuity Plan (BCP) Test. Any inconvenience caused is much regretted.



System Maintenance Activity

Please be informed that the TC Pro, PacOnline, iPacOnline systems will not be accessible from 5 July 2024, 8:00 pm until 10:30 pm and eStatement systems will not be accessible from 6 July 2024, 12:00 am until 7 July 2024, 12:00 pm for System Maintenance Activity. Any inconvenience caused is much regretted.



N2N System Maintenance Activity

Please be informed that the TC Pro, PacOnline, iPacOnline and eStatement systems will not be accessible on 07 June 2024, 8:00 pm until 10:30 pm for System Maintenance Activity.Any inconvenience caused is much regretted.



Industry-wide Derivatives Market BCP Mock Run on 18 May 2024

Please be informed that the TC Pro, PacOnline, iPacOnline and eStatement systems will not be accessible from 18 May 2024 5:00 pm until 19 May 2024 10:00 am for an Industry-wide Derivatives Market Participants BCP Mock Run.Any inconvenience caused is much regretted.



BURSA BTS2 System Firmware Update on 23 March 2024

Please be informed that the TC Pro, PacOnline, iPacOnline and eStatement systems will not be accessible from 23 March 2024 06:00am until 23 March 2024 06:00pm for BURSA BTS2 System Firmware Update.Any inconvenience cause is much regretted.



Bursa BTS2 OPTIMUS Pre-Live on 18 November 2023 - Mock Run

Please be informed that TC Pro, PacOnline, iPacOnline and eStatement systems will not be accessible from 18 Nov 2023 06:00am until 18 Nov 2023 06:00pm for Bursa BTS2 OPTIMUS Pre-Live - Mock Run.Any inconvenience cause is much regretted.



Hardware Maintenance Activity

Please be informed that iPacOnline system will not be accessible from 17 November 2023 7.00pm until 17 November 2023 10.00pm because of Hardware Maintenance Activity.Any inconvenience cause is much regretted.



System Maintenance Activity

Please be informed that PacOnline and eStatement systems will not be accessible from 4 November 2023 9.00am until 5 November 2023 12.00pm because of System Maintenance Activity.Any inconvenience cause is much regretted.



Maintenance Activity At N2N Primary Data Center

Please be informed that TC Pro, PacOnline, iPacOnline and eStatement systems will not be accessible from 11 November 2023 10:00am to 11 November 2023 06:00pm and 12 November 2023 10:00am to 12 November 2023 06:00pm because of Maintenance Activity At N2N Primary Data Center.Any inconvenience caused is much regretted.



Bursa Derivatives BCP Simulation Exercise on 14 Oct 2023

Please be informed that TC Pro, PacOnline, iPacOnline and eStatement systems will not be accessible from 14 Oct 2023 5:00pm to 15 Oct 2023 10:00am because of Bursa Malaysia Derivatives (BMD) Business Continuity Plan (BCP) Simulation Exercise.Any inconvenience cause is much regretted. 



Equipment Firmware Upgrade Activity

Please be informed that TC Pro, PacOnline, iPacOnline and eStatement systems will not be accessible from 30 September 2023 10:00am to 30 September 2023 06:00pm because of Equipment Firmware Upgrade Activity.Any inconvenience caused is much regretted.



BTS2 Optimization Project (OS Upgrade) Pre-Live Test

Please be informed that TC Pro, PacOnline, iPacOnline and eStatement systems will not be accessible from 29 July 2023 06:00am to 29 July 2023 06:00pm because of Bursa Trade Securities 2 (“BTS2”) Optimization Project (“OPTIMUS")  - Operating System (OS) Upgrade Pre-Live Testing at Disaster Recovery Site.Any inconvenience caused is much regretted.



Bursa Malaysia 2023 Industry Wide BCP Test on 17 Jun 2023

Please be informed that TC Pro, PacOnline, iPacOnline and eStatement systems will not be accessible from 17 June 2023 06:00am to 17 June 2023 06:00pm because of Bursa Malaysia 2023 Industry Wide Business Continuity Plan (BCP) Test.Any inconvenience caused is much regretted.



Bursa Derivatives BCP Simulation Exercise on 13 May 2023

Please be informed that TC Pro, PacOnline, iPacOnline and eStatement systems will not be accessible from 13 May 2023 5:00pm to 14 May 2023 10:00am because of Bursa Malaysia Derivatives (BMD) Business Continuity Plan (BCP) Simulation Exercise.Any inconvenience cause is much regretted.



Bursa Malaysia Leadership Misrepresented On Social Media

Kuala Lumpur, 19 March 2023 – Bursa Malaysia Berhad (“Bursa Malaysia” or “the Exchange”) would like to inform the public that it has identified Facebook pages that have misrepresented its Chief Executive Officer, Datuk Muhamad Umar Swift. The Exchange would like to reiterate that these Facebook pages have no relation to Datuk Muhamad Umar nor the Exchange and measures are being taken to remove them.More Details.Retrieved from



Bursa Malaysia 2023 Industry Wide BCP Test on 18 March 2023

Please be informed that PacOnline, iPacOnline and eStatement systems will not be accessible from 17 March 2023 06:00pm to 18 March 2023 06:00pm because of Bursa Malaysia 2023 Industry Wide Business Continuity Plan (BCP) Test. Any inconvenience caused is much regretted.



BTS2 System Firmware Update Activity on 14 January 2023

Please be informed that PacOnline and iPacOnline trading services will not be accessible from 14 January 2023 06:00 am to 14 January 2023 09:00 pm as Bursa will be having system firmware update activity on BTS2 system.Any inconvenience caused is much regretted.



BTS2 System Firmware Update Activity on 7 January 2023

Please be informed that PacOnline and iPacOnline trading services will not be accessible from 7 January 2023 06:00 am to 7 January 2023 09:00 pm as Bursa will be having system firmware update activity on BTS2 system.Any inconvenience caused is much regretted.



Discontinuation Of Old Mobile Applications

Dear Valued Clients,Please be informed that the existing mobile applications namely iPacOnline and AsiaEBroker will be decommissioned on 30 September 2022 and be replaced with iPacOnline Mobile.Please take note that iPacOnline Mobile is compatible with the following iOS, Android and Huawei versions:1. iOS version : 12, 13, 14, 152. Android version : 9, 10, 11, 123. Huawei version : 9, 10, 11, 12Kindly download, install and continue trading with iPacOnline Mobile before 30 September 2022.If you require assistance, kindly contact your Dealer’s Representative or our Customer Service personnel.Thank you.



New iPacOnline Mobile app is now available

Dear Valued Clients,Please be informed that the existing mobile application (iPacOnline and AsiaEBroker) will be decommissioned by 30 September 2022 and replaced with iPacOnline Mobile.The new mobile application, iPacOnline Mobile is now available on App Store and Google Play. Please download and install iPacOnline Mobile to familiarise with the new mobile app before 30 September 2022.Please take note that iPacOnline Mobile is only compatible with the following version:1. Android version : 9, 10, 11 and 122. iOS version : 12, 13, 14 and 15If you require assistance, kindly contact your Dealer’s Representative or our Customer Service personnel.Thank you.



Security Awareness

Dear Valued Clients, Please be advised that a fake website ( is being propagated through social media and is masquerading as Inter-Pacific Corporate website ( By accessing the fake website, you may unknowingly share your online trading login infomation to the scammer.Please ensure that you only access our official websites ( or for any communication and trading activities. If you notice any suspicious websites/emails/enquiries/invitations/scams, please contact us at 03-2117 1888 or email us at to verify the authenticity of such communication. Thank You.



BTS2TR Phase 2A – Pre-Live Test on 2 April 2022

Please be informed that PacOnline and iPacOnline trading services will not be accessible from 1 April 2022 6pm to 2 April 2022 6pm because of Bursa Trade Securities 2 Technology Refresh (BTS2TR) Phase 2A Pre-Live Test. The Objective of the Pre-Live Test is to ensure that the BTS2TR Phase 2A is ready to Go-Live on Monday, 4 April 2022.Any inconvenience caused is much regretted.



Share Consolidation / Capital Reduction

Dear Valued Online Clients, Please be informed that effective on 15 May 2020, we will ceased trading blocks on securities which are undergoing share consolidation / capital reduction exercises. To facilitate your trading during the period from Ex-Date to Book Closure Date, we will provide an indicative shareholding based on the adjusted ratio as provided by Bursa. Kindly refer to your Dealer’s Representative if you require further details or clarifications.



T+2 Settlement Cycle

Please be informed that Bursa Malaysia has announced that T+2 settlement cycle will take effect on Monday, 29 April 2019.



Bursa Phase 2B Pre-Live 2 July 2022

Please be informed that PacOnline trading services will not be accessible from 1 July 2022 6pm to 2 July 2022 6pm due to Bursa Pre-Live mock run.Any inconvenience caused is much regretted.



Important Notices

Dear Valued Clients, We wish to draw your attention to important notices in relation to: Self-Certification by Client in relation to Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) and Common Reporting Standard (CRS). Read MoreForeign Exchange Administration (FEA) Policy by Bank Negara Malaysia. Read More Thank you.



Intraday Short Selling

Dear Valued Clients, We are pleased to announce that the Intraday Short Selling (IDSS) facility is currently available to our clients effective from 23/10/2018. Please contact your dealer’s representative if you wish to apply for the IDSS facility. Kindly note that the IDSS trading features is only available in our new Paconline trading platform. Click HERE to access the IDSS user Guides. Thank you.